Reassembling a Shattered Life: Proven Steps for Coping with Loss

By Camille Johnson

When someone we deeply care for passes away, the resulting void can feel both immense and disorienting. It's like being stranded in an emotional wilderness with no compass. In this article from Riverside Cemetery, we'll outline several proactive steps that will serve as your navigational guide through the difficult terrain of grief, community support, vocational realignment, and overall well-being as you begin the process of reconstructing your life.

Allow Emotion

While grief might seem like a chaotic whirlpool of emotions, remember that it serves a crucial function in your healing journey. Psychology Today notes that denying or suppressing your feelings may lead to emotional complications later on. Let yourself cry, be angry, and feel the emptiness. Your emotional experience is valid and important, and understanding that is the first critical move toward emotional recovery.

Engage Community

The pain of loss often creates the illusion that we are alone in our suffering. However, the emotional and practical support from friends and family can be the raft that helps you navigate these choppy waters. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to help with mundane tasks like grocery shopping, don't underestimate the healing power of communal support.

Consider Professional Change

Venturing into a new job can be a revitalizing step. A change in your professional environment can act as a springboard for more comprehensive life shifts. Before setting your sights on a new role, it's advisable to prepare a standout, professional resume online. The fresh interactions and challenges that come with a new job can offer a new perspective, serving as valuable milestones in your emotional healing process.

Build Enterprise

If you're seeking not just a change but also more control over your destiny, think about launching your own business. Establishing a business as an LLC in Ohio through ZenBusiness comes with benefits like reduced personal financial risk and tax advantages. The act of building something from the ground up can serve as an empowering endeavor that returns a sense of agency and purpose to your life.

Welcome a Furry Confidant

A pet can bring love, joy, and a comforting routine into your life. When deciding to adopt, make sure to consider the financial and emotional commitments involved. Prepare for your new arrival by purchasing veterinarian-approved pet supplies. A pet requires not just food and shelter but also love and attention. The process of caring for an animal can help shift your focus from what you've lost to what you can still give.

Honor Memory

Honoring the memory of a loved one who has passed away can be a deeply therapeutic experience, aiding your emotional journey towards healing. Creating a tribute, whether in the form of a cherished photo album or an online memorial platform, allows you to celebrate their life and the impact they've had on you and others. Through this creative endeavor, you're not just preserving their memory but also giving friends and family a communal space to find comfort and share sentiments.

Prioritize Wellness

Life after loss is never the same, but, as Northwestern Health points out, incorporating new habits and routines can provide a structure to your disarrayed life. These routines don't have to be elaborate—something as simple as taking a walk each evening can make a significant difference. Small changes can lead to larger transformations, offering a roadmap for your daily life that can be comforting.

Invest in Holistic Well-Being

Your body, mind, and soul are interconnected. Activities like exercise, meditation, or painting can have profound effects on your mental state. The commitment to self-care is not selfish; it's essential for your overall well-being and plays a crucial role in your long-term recovery from loss.

The road to recovery after loss is undeniably steep and fraught with obstacles, yet it's a journey you don't have to undertake alone. These strategic steps, like changing jobs, starting a business, and getting a pet, are more than mere coping mechanisms; they are your lighthouse guiding you through the storm toward a life still rich with purpose and possibility. Remember that every effort you make is a tribute to your resilience and a testament to the enduring power of human connection.

Riverside Cemetery has been a great source of comfort and reassurance to the thousands of persons we have served and continues to earn the cemetery many compliments. Contact us today for more information at 216.351.4800.

Kathleen Williams

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